1F: Neuroscience, norms and outcomes: understanding the experiences of students of Black and South Asian heritage | Workshops


Europa Hotel, Belfast

1F: Neuroscience, norms and outcomes: understanding the experiences of students of Black and South Asian heritage

Join us for an interactive workshop on how independent schools can create a safe and supportive learning environment for students from minority ethnic backgrounds. Come for expert insights from multi-award-winning race equity experts, Rare. Informed by two decades of working closely with young people in the education and corporate sectors, we’ll distil some of the lessons from Hemisphere, cutting-edge digital CPD training that gives schools a toolkit to understand, safeguard and nourish minority ethnic students. Leave with an understanding of: the specific ways in which bias against Black and South Asian children shows up in schools, what HMC schools are doing right, and how you can replicate that success.

Key details
Yasmina Kone, Deputy Lead of Hemisphere Education
11.10 - 11.55