2 October 2023 - 4 October 2023
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Stratford-upon-Avon
Workshop synopsis:
Lessons applicable for all from the Perform programme of the world’s leading development centre for young skiers Apex2100, as developed and overseen by Sir Clive Woodward, which focuses on key day-to-day facets, including sleep, nutrition, and brain fitness, helping young people face challenges around health, mental dexterity, and achievement.
About Mike Buchanan:
Mike Buchanan is the Founder of Positively Leading, a strategic support consultancy for schools and school groups in the UK and internationally. He is Executive Consultant to the world’s leading academy for elite skiers – Apex2100 – and was most recently the Executive Director of HMC, the English-speaking world’s oldest association of Head Teachers. As Head of Ashford School in the UK, part of United Learning, he oversaw its transformation from a small girls’ school to a thriving, profitable, all-age, co-educational day/boarding school of over 1,000 children and young people. Mike has extensive experience in leadership, governance and education. He helped to establish three state-funded schools in London and Kent. He is or has been a trustee of several independent and state schools in the UK and internationally, the Chair of Trustees at Turner Schools, a trustee of a children’s charity, a Reporting Inspector, a UK National Leader of Education and a qualified Executive Coach. He is a Founding Fellow of the Chartered College of Teaching, Chair of the International Positive Education Network (UKEurope) and an accredited senior associate of the AoEA.
About David Harkin:
David Harkin is the Founder and CEO of 8billionideas which exists to give every student the skills and belief to change the world. They do this by teaching entrepreneurship, career education and future skills through their platform and via their services to students of all ages. In 2022, David was ranked 8th in the world by ISC Research as one of the top influencers globally positively disrupting the education sector and recently published his first book, ‘The Ripple Effect : How surprisingly small changes in mindset can make big things happen’ with endorsers from the world of education, business and journalism. 8billionideas has worked with 250,000 students from around the world in 4 continents and have become an award winning organisation. In 2021, they were honoured to be one of twenty organisations that was featured by St James’ Palace in their publication on ‘Leadership and Innovation – For the next 300 years’. In 2022, he won ‘EduFuturist of the Year’ for his work in education to date and his vision for the future.