1H: Navigating headwinds – strategies to strengthen your school’s business model to help manage the risks political and fiscal change in an increasingly competitive market

1H: Navigating headwinds – strategies to strengthen your school’s business model to help manage the risks political and fiscal change in an increasingly competitive market

Workshop synopsis:

A look at what the impact of future tax policies could be on the school business and what strategies could be developed to help mitigate the risk, including:

– achieving efficiency and cost savings without compromising the School’s offer
– diversification of income streams
– growing the education business and the importance of economies of scale
– how an optimised legal structure can support good governance and effective decision making

Between them, Mark and Barney bring the perspective of a bursar, a lawyer and two governors, and they will give examples of how these strategies have been effective for other schools.

About Mark Taylor:

Mark has worked in education since 1993He has been Bursar of Dulwich Prep School (Cranbrook), Bedales School and since 2010, King’s School CanterburyMark was Chairman of the Independent Schools’ Bursars Association (ISBA), from 2013 – 2016 and since March 2019 has been Chair of the Association of Governing Bodies of Independent Schools (AGBIS)He was elected Vice Chair of the Independent Schools Council in January 2021In addition, he sits on the Governing Board of Tring Park School for the Performing Arts as well as being a Trustee of the Turner Schools Multi-Academy Trust.   

About Barney Northover:

Barney has a broad and deep understanding of strategic opportunities and challenges for independent education in an evolving political and economic landscape.  

Within VWV he leads the Independent Schools sector and has more than 20 years’ experience working with independent schools, during which time he has developed a special interest and expertise in advising schools on strategy and structural change, including charity mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures and collaborations.   

In a voluntary capacity he is in his 10th year as a Governor of The Downs Preparatory School and has previously served as a governor of two state funded secondary schools. 

Barney is rated by both Chambers & Partners and Legal 500, as a ‘leading adviser’ to schools and charities. He is described as bringing “wise advice and approach” and being “excellent counsel in challenging and high-pressured environments” as well as having ‘an excellent overall view of the charity and education sector, as well as a sound understanding of governance’. 


Key details
Mark Taylor, Chair, AGBIS and Barney Northover, Partner, VWV
Room: Packwood