The following comments are from scholars completing their scholarship year at their school.
"I can honestly admit that this year has been an unforgettable experience. I particularly liked the atmosphere and the close knit, amicable community that is present in my school. I have very much enjoyed my first boarding experience which has made me more independent and has consolidated my ability to adapt to new situations."
"I did everything I could in Frensham : I sung, I acted, I danced, I worked for charity, I joined an Italian club, I wrote for the school newspaper, I attended a Peer Support training, I did Community Service. I enjoyed every aspect to its fullest, because at home I do not have all these opportunities and I have to live in the moment."
"I got involved into a two-hour play, which I greatly enjoyed, I have been selected to be in the first team in tennis for the year and I managed to break a Guinness World Record in a team of twelve. The fastest time to run 100 miles on a treadmill previously stood at 9:05:17 hours of hard work. We finished in 8:23:00, despite losing about 12 minutes due to mechanical failure."

"It has been a truly fantastic year, and now, thinking about it, I cannot remember anything that I would do differently as this was such a life changing experience for me. … Everything turned out to be more than I hoped. Teachers, house parents and everyone at my school were very helpful and encouraging. I have learned so many things here, not only school related, but I have learned how to be independent, responsible and to appreciate opportunities I was given. I enjoyed everything in this school - lessons, breaks, weekends, school trips, community service and duties."
"I faced an 'educational shock' - not because it was difficult but because I had the chance to attend lessons in which there are just between 4 and 10 students. Apparently, I have been able to do much greater progress under such circumstances simply because the lessons are far more interactive, intimate and almost entirely based on discussions of various issues. It is this system and modern type of teaching which has enhanced my critical and analytical thinking. I have been studying English, History, Geography, German, Biology, and Mathematics."
"My mum is now not here to wake me up for school, nor is she here to cook and do my washing. No, everything has been in my own hands."
"The result of this teaching is - I do not just know these subjects but I understand and am able to extensively discuss them. This is a skill which will definitely help me stand myself in excellent stead in my academic and professional path in the near future."
"I never thought that teachers can be friends and surprisingly they became my main support for this year. The same thing applies to my housemaster who became a third parent to me. To think that living in a boarding school is difficult would be wrong."
"I have grown immensely as a person, I have learned so much both inside and outside the classroom and the whole experience has helped to mould me into a much more confident and (hopefully!) intelligent person. I will forever cherish the memory and will always carry the knowledge I gained inside me wherever life may take me next. I am truly grateful and if I had the chance I would do it all again! Sadly, but with a hint of excitement thinking about the next generation of students who embark on this great adventure, I have to leave it behind, but in my heart I will always remain an HMC Scholar."
"I still remember my first moments in Framlingham College. My contact person showed me a part of the school and I remember him telling me: "Magdalena, remember! There are no silly questions! Come here and we will sort out every problem you have!" He was right. Not about the questions but he sorted out every little problem and made my view more clear when I was so confused about almost everything."
"Now I have completed my Sixth Form studies I cannot think of a better place to be and study. I met amazing people from all over the world, some of which I am sure will remain in my life for very long years to come. I lived in an amazing place with great facilities where I was looked after just like home. It did in fact feel like a home as my teachers and the other supporting staff are some of the most beautiful people I have met, very driven, very dedicated and they believed in me and supported me as much as my family would."

"I have never thought that I could be very patriotic but being away from home and not having a single person to whom you could speak in your own language made me realize how much I like my country, even though it really is very small and not developed like England at all."
"I cannot be grateful enough for the chance I have been given and all the generous and giving people involved in it. It has been life changing experience influencing every aspect of my life and shaping my character."
"During the Sixth Form I managed things that I am most happy and proud of, from living abroad in a different language and a mix of cultures, to taking up more activities that I could even count and to changing my attitude towards academics. From windsurfing and canoeing, to teaching French and debating in two foreign languages in conferences abroad, from Young Enterprise and Senior Council to cheerleading and basketball, netball, judo, football, handball... I think I did them all. Now I think it was the rush of the moment and the joy that I could do things my old school never offered, but I am more than glad I did not step back and took up each opportunity, as I have worked with amazing people and I learnt a lot."