Every year HMC Projects runs an essay competition in which scholars are invited to send in an essay about their experiences of education in a British school.

A prize is awarded to the best entry. The prize winning essays can be read by clicking on the links below.

2024: ‘Taking the plunge: life in a British boarding school’ by Antonia Adal (RO)

2024: ‘Taking the plunge: life in a British boarding school’ by David Lorer (BG)

2024: ‘Taking the plunge: life in a British boarding school’ by Kesaria Vepkhvadze (GE)

2024: ‘Taking the plunge: life in a British boarding school’ by Liliko Mamutchadze (GE)

2023: ‘Not better or worse but different’ by Mariia Muntean (UA)

2023: ‘Taking the plunge: life in a British boarding school’ by Kamila Strnadová (CZ)

2022: ‘Taking the plunge: life in a British boarding school’ by Davit Chankseliani (GE)

2022: ‘Not better or worse but different’ by Sofija Bajcetic (RS)

2022: ‘Taking the plunge: life in a British boarding school’ by Diana Shypovych (UA)

2021: ‘Taking the plunge: life in a British boarding school’ by Barbora Novotna (CZ)

2021: ‘Taking the plunge: life in a British boarding school’ by Catalina Burdujan (MD)

2019: ‘Taking the plunge: life in a British boarding school’ by Ivan Mihaylov (BG)

2019: ‘Taking the plunge: life in a British boarding school’ by Katerina Yakimova (BG)

2017: ‘Not better or worse but different’ by Yeliz Abdurahman (BG)

2016: ‘Not better or worse but different’ by Zuzana Cellarova (SK)

2016: ‘What impressions of British life and education will you take home with you?’ by Lucie Návratová (CZ)

2016: ‘Taking the plunge: life in a British boarding school’ by Alexandra Horkavá (SK)

2015: ‘Taking up the plunge: life in a British boarding school’ by Anna Routova (CZ)

2013: ‘Not better or worse but different’ by Ognien Lukacevic (RS)

2012: ‘The UK from Up Above’ by Maria Tatulea-Codrean (RO)

2011: ‘Taking the Plunge: Life in a British Independent School’ by Adam Lalak (CZ)